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Fan-coil room-temperature controller, with digital display

TSHK 681, 682

Fan-coil room-temperature controller, with digital display

How energy efficiency is improved

Enables controlling of HVAC components according to needs and enables automatic switching off in downtimes.


  • LCD of the room temperature or setpoint, with two buttons (±) for adjusting the setpoint

  • Output for heating or cooling depending on connection type, or change in direction of operation with external switch

  • With main switch for mains power supply and slide switch for three fan speeds

  • Suitable for wall mounting or fitting on recessed junction boxes

  • Electronics unit and switching relay

  • Quasi-continuous temperature control

  • 2-point pulsed activation

  • Individual unitary temperature control in residential and business rooms for activating e.g. electric heating systems, thermal actuators, or fans or cooling units in air-conditioning systems.

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